Photoshop for beginners Part-19, Motion Blur, Spin Blur, How to make a car running - Photoshop CC
Please download this image from the description. Now we will work with our pen tool. I will not make the tutorial fast forward because this a beginner’s video, I want to show you how to use pen tool for select the whole subject. Please watch the tutorial (Click Here) Please Download Source Files (click Here) Just click the left button and start selecting. If you don’t feel the selecting is right just Hit CTRL+Z or CMD+Z for undo selecting. Curve the pen tool by drag to the upper side. After that click ALT key or Option key for remove the curve point. Other wise your every selection will be curved. After completing the selection, hit right key and select “make selection” feather radius will be “2” px. Hit ok. Select quick selection tool, then click right here for save the selection. CTRL+J or CMD+J copy the layer except the background. Now copy the main background by clicking CTRL+J or CMD+J. Now go to channels panel for find the saved selecti...