Photoshop for beginners Part-12, Photo Filter and Curves, Color lookup adjustment layer, filter img

So. Dear guys, I don’t like to talk too much, I am always going to straight to the point. All you have to do is just follow me step by step. In this class we learn how to use Photo Filter, Curves, Color look up, for your ordinary images to make great. 1. Let’s go to the bottom of the layer panel, Select photo Filter, We will choose this “Warming filter 85”s default color. The density will be 100%. We will double click on the layer outside of the text area to find out the “Layer style”. We will break the “black color separation here” and will reduce shadow by dragging the right part into the white side of this “underlying layer bar”. 2. We will add another “Photo Filter” Filter mode will be “Warming filter 85” Density: 100%. 3. We have to place another “Photo Filter” here to make some shadow effects. All you have to do is follow my steps. The density will be 100%. We can play with our color mode. We can set our Hue, Saturation, and Brightness. Just play with our color as per your background. You will find the best match for your picture. 4. Same again double click on the layer outside of the text area. And the last thing we will uncheck is the preserved luminosity to make a darker effect. So, I want to play with my hue, Saturation and brightness. First, I’ll fix the hue here. Then fixing the Saturation. And in the last need to fix the Brightness. If you have trouble you can type the color code in that box. #ff7488 It will be easy for you. 05. Nowhere is the interesting part, we will take a curves layer. Drag this part a little bit up so that we can take a little light effect. Click on a mask to invert this white color to black color. After that, we will select the brush tool from the toolbar. Brush size will be 1300px, hardness will be 50%. Make sure that your foreground color is White and your Background color is Black. After that remove the curves black color from that layer by pressing the brush tool on the foreground of that image. 06. After that we will choose the “color lookup” layer and will select the Crisp_warm.look mode. Opacity will be 20%. 07. We need some shadow on that image. Please select “Curves” Drag up the color shadow picker from the bottom of the corner and drag it down from here so that this image will look more realistic. 08. Now we will merge all layers into one group. So, that we can adjust the opacity of layers.


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