Photoshop for beginners Part-20 How to create Blurry Glass Effect in Adobe Photoshop CC - Gaussian
Please download this image from the description.
Unlock this layer and copy this layer by clicking CTRL+J or CMD+J.
Then go for filter-blur-gaussian blur.
The blur radius will be 10 pixels.
Then select rectangle tool,
Draw a box here.
Watch it on youtube (Click Here)
Click double on the foreground color picker to change the color.
Remember the color code will be C5C5C5.
Then we will work without properties panel,
If you can’t find the panel then go to the window,
Hit checkmark on properties.
To make a box round shape we have to maintain the aspect ratio.
To do that make sure you checked on this.
After that hit 80 px or you can choose what your wish.
You can see our round shape is here now.
Now take the “rectangle 1” layer below “layer 0 copy”.
Hit alt+left or option+left here.
So that blurriness will be gone from the rest of the picture except to the box.
Now double click on the “rectangle 1” layer for open “layer style”
And all you have to just follow my steps.
After all the steps did you just have to press the OK button.
Now click here to take a new blank layer.
We will type something here.
To do that select the type tool.
And follow my step or you can write anything as your wish.
After that, we will choose the “line tool” and make a line under the text so that it will look
great. Now you also place your logo here to make that professional.
You can see what we have just done.
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