How to use perspective grid tool in l Adobe Illustrator CC 2022 - Class 19
Hi, this is Akash your host. In this class I will show you how to use the perspective grid tool.
So, please take a new document. CTRL + Mouse wheel or CMD + Mouse wheel to adjust the artboard.
Please select the perspective grid tool.
CTRL+Shift+I or CMD+Shift+I to deselect the grid tool or select the grid tool.
Now please increase the height. Please increase from the left side and also from the right side.
Drag from the bottom so that we can increase from the down side.
Select the Rectangle tool and click on the left grid side so that we can draw a shape in the left side.
Draw a shape and please set a fill color.
And then please select the right grid and draw a shape in the right side.
Please change the fill color.
Again, select the left grid and crate a box shape on the roof.
Then select the right grid and crate a shape.
Please select the Perspective selection tool, hold alt or option to copy the shape and CTRL+D or CMD+D.
Same for the left side also.
Select every shape from the right side and change the fill color please and same for the left side please.
Now please select all shapes here and select stroke color as none.
There is some gap here please select and use your arrow key to adjust.
Select that shape from the left side and hold alt or option to copy and please adjust behind the right border wall. You can decrease the length. And copy this to all other border wall.
Hold shift and select all these layers at once click right, go to arrange and click “Send to back”.
Select that shape and make sure you have selected the Perspective grid selection tool,
Then hold alt or option and copy the shape behind the left border wall.
After copying please send it to back. After that please follow same steps for other border walls.
I think the left design is better than the right side. So, we can remove those shapes from the right side and design like left side.
Now please select the rectangle tool and draw shape and select the direct selection tool and only select the upper side of this shape to revel the 2-anchor point and drag it down so that we can design it like a door.
Select the perspective selection tool and click on right grid grab the door and place it here.
You can change the fill color here. The same steps are going for the left door also.
CTRL+Shift+I or CMD+Shift+I to deselect the perspective grid.
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