How to use the Shape builder tool l Adobe Illustrator CC 2022 - Class 17

 Hi, this is your host Akash. In this class I will show you how to use the shape builder tool. Please take a new document just follow my steps.

(This Tutorial Doesn't Need Source Files)

Please select the ellipse tool, hold shift and drag to draw a round shape. Fill color and none, and the stroke color will be red. Please increase the stroke size please.
Then select the selection tool, hold alt and drag your mouse key to the right. Then please reduce the size.
Just place the small shape here and select selection tool then select both shapes.
Now please select the shape builder tool hold shift and drag the courser from here to here.
You can see the magic now we have merged these tow shapes into one.
Now you can remove the shape. This is called the Merge mode.

Now please select the ellipse tool, hold shift and drag to draw a round shape. Fill color will be red and stroke will be none. Then select the selection tool and hold alt or option key then drag to the right so that we can get a new layer. Then place the 2nd layer just like me. Then select the whole shape and select the shape builder tool. And click here to separate this middle part. Then select the selection tool and you can separate these layers. This is called Extract mode. Now please select the ellipse tool, hold shift and drag to draw a round shape. Fill color will be red and stroke will be none. Then select the selection tool and hold alt or option key then drag to the right so that we can get new layer. Then place the 2nd layer just like me. Then select the whole shape and now please select the shape builder tool hold shift and drag the courser from here to here. This method is called Erase mode. Now please select the rectangle tool, and please create a box. Select the direct selection tool and select the corner anchor point only and drag to the left. Same goes for the right corner so that it will looks like a tob for tree. Now please create a line here, and select both shapes then align it. Now please create a round shape and copy. Just follow me. Select the shape builder tool and make it like a flower. Now please create a shape in the middle of this flower then select the shape builder tool click on this new shape so that the red color will be gone from the flower. Now please create 2 lines on this tob so that we can make it look more wonderful. After making 2 lines then please select all these layers and select shape builder tool and click on these lines so that red color will be gone from here. Now we need 2 leaves. Create a round shape and just follow my steps please. So, Dear all. Hope you liked this tutorial and subscribed this channel. Please press the bell icon.
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