How to use Free Transform tool, puppet wrap tool l Adobe Illustrator CC 2022 - Class 16
Hi guys, this is your host Akash. Please select the rectangle tool. And please create a long shape. You can change the fill color. Then please select the free transform tool. (This Tutorial Doesn't Need Source Files) What it does, it just for enlarge the shape from all side. Just follow my steps you will understand the free transform tool. The puppet wrap tool, when you select the tool it will set few anchor points automatically. Select these anchor points and please hit your delete key so that you can delete it. Now set an anchor point to the top. After that if you try to wrap it, it will not. Because we don’t set and main anchor point. Please set and an anchor points in the bottom. You can see we can wrap it like a magnetic tool. But you can also put an anchor points in the middle of this shape. Now the middle point will stay as it was. Now let’s try on the twitter logo. Basically, what it does. Puppet Warp is one of the main tools to use if you're going to...